High Option dental benefits

Choose your option for dental coverage

High Option members receive certain dental benefits as part of the medical plan, but you can get additional coverage by enrolling in the APWU Health Plan Dental Insurance Plan.

The High Option plan offers routine dental care coverage

The High Option pays 70% of the Plan allowance for dental services, including office visits, exams, cleanings, X-rays of all types, fluoride treatment, restorative care (fillings), and simple extractions. The member is responsible for 30% of the cost, plus any difference between our allowance and the billed amount (no deductible).

APWU Health Plan Dental Insurance Plan

Anyone who is eligible to sign up for an APWU Health Plan can enroll in the APWU Health Plan Dental Insurance Plan. Members pay a separate premium for this plan and can use any dentist they choose. There is no deductible for preventive services, including exams, X-rays, and cleanings. A $50 deductible per person applies to basic and major services. The Plan pays 80% of the reasonable and customary charges for basic services and 50% of the reasonable and customary charges for major services.

The APWU Health Plan Dental Insurance Plan is not available in MT, NH, OR, SD or any U.S. territories (AS, GU, PR or VI).